Signal Controls at the station in Adare.
A milestone near the Church of Ireland in Adare. You don’t see many of the original milestones on the roads these days. We used to use the mile between this milestone and one in Graigue (on the Rathkeale Road) to calibrate an old TerraTrip rally computer – back in the day!
Update 24/09/2014:
My father happened across this post in Google (I’ve no idea what he was searching for) and just mailed the following to me:
The significance of this milestone is that it is in Irish miles – hence the shorter distance to limerick. An Irish mile is 1.25 English/Statute miles so this would explain our navigation problems if we used ir to set up the Terratrip!
A very friendly dog called Seán Bán (or so Gary informs me) lying on the foot path waiting for attention while we were walking down the street on the Adare leg of the Worldwide Photowalk 2009
There are some seriously talented people out there, wasted talent unfortunately. Not that I condone that sort of thing (Grafitti in public places).
The Limerick Photowalk took place on a dark, cloudy day. All in all, we were lucky not to get soaked!